What Would You Tell Your 21 Year Old Self?
I would let myself know that it’s all going to be okay! Just take a step back and breathe. Enjoy your time with your little family, because before you know it, the girls are gonna be all grown up!
And stop worrying so much, you are doing great! You are an awesome Mom, your kids love you to pieces and enjoy hanging out with you (even when their friends are around.) You are a wonderful wife and your husband absolutely adores you. You still act like you did when you first met ?
But seriously girl! Learn to take care of yourself! Love yourself, eat better, exercise a little, and start writing again… It’s gonna come in handy ?
#thelessonswelearn #IfIknewthenwhatIknownow #wednesadywisdom #selfcare #selflove #lifewithmillixi #iammillixiandthisisme