The Craziest Movie Ever…
A couple of weeks ago, Eric and I were talking about the different events that have happened this year. The fires in Australia, the pandemic, the murder hornets, the insane […]
My Little Monkey and Her Pain
Having children is such a blessing. However, that blessing can be so hard at times. When your children are adults, you no longer have the right to go to their […]
Odd Yet Intriguing
Have you ever been asked such an odd question that it just stuck with you until you figured it out? I have, and it really made me think. Recently, I […]
Sleepless Nights
Do you ever have those nights where you just can’t turn off your brain? Well, I’m having one of those now. I suffer from chronic migraines, so I often have […]
Does your family have any games that they play regularly? Are you competitive? Is it just your immediate family, or does it extend to include other family members? In our […]
Girls Weekend
Two weeks ago, it would have been our trip to Toronto for our company’s annual seminar. Each year, some of the girls from the company and I pack up our […]
The Troubles With my Eyes
This year marks 31 years that I’ve been wearing glasses. Now I know that for some, that isn’t long, but for me, that is 1/4 of my life. When I […]
Family By Choice
Growing up, did you ever have aunties and uncles that weren’t really your aunties and uncles? I did, and for a lot of my childhood, I was a lot closer […]
Butterflies and Bags of Kittens
So I have spent the last month and a bit at my oasis in Gimli, working on figuring out who I am and what I am all about. Well, I […]
Shaving is For the Birds
For a woman, I am a very hairy person. Okay, I know that is an overshare, but seriously dude, I’m hairy. My arms look like I could be the child […]