Shaving is For the Birds
For a woman, I am a very hairy person. Okay, I know that is an overshare, but seriously dude, I’m hairy. My arms look like I could be the child of a gorilla or something. When I was younger, my mom asked me if I had shaved my arms because that could’ve caused them to become that way, but I swear to you, I have never shaved my arms. I am just a hairy person. And this crap grows so fast, I mean, I have to shave like every other day. Plus, I have sensitive skin, so I have to use a razer with at least 4 blades and replace it every time. That crap is expensive. I have friends that tell me they let their leg hair grow for the winter, and I’m thinking I can’t even do it for a week. My poor husband would get lost in my leg hair.
So anyhow, to continue with the initial point, I am not allowed to watch cable TV. More specifically, I’m not allowed to watch infomercials. Because I tend to want to buy everything I see on them. I could write an entire article on that subject alone. It is so bad that my kids and mom all know to pull me away from the “as seen on TV” store in the mall when we go shopping. (we just call it “the store I’m not allowed to go to”)
One day I had been watching an infomercial and came across this zapper thingy that was supposed to stop hair growth, and I thought damn, that would be awesome! So I started doing some research and asked around, heard that particular one wasn’t great but found another “cool looking” one so decided to give it a try.
So the instructions say to shave first, then do your thing. I’m kind of a rule follower, I do not like knowingly breaking the rules, so I did what it said. It was okay, it definitely takes a commitment, but then I read you had to have not used it for a month before or after sun exposure. A month?!?! WTF!? Seriously? A month. I mean, I know I live in the north, but I like to go tanning, I need my vitamin D. So that experience was very short-lived.
Then when we were beginning social distancing, I thought I’d give it a try again because guess what, shaving sucks! Well, the first time wasn’t so bad, but I have a tattoo on my leg. You can’t zap over tattoos, and you are only allowed to do it like once every 3 weeks, to begin with, so this is going to take forever!
Sooooooo, If anyone has a better method to suggest, I’d love to hear it, because seriously, this chick is so sick of shaving.
Too funny.