Mornings at my Oasis
Are you a morning person or a night person?
I have been for the most part a night hawk. I would usually get my second wind at about 8:30 and could pick up a task and stay up all night and work at it. I like the time I have with no one calling for mom and asking where this is and where that is. Mind you that is happening less and less now that the girls are adults themselves.
Eric would always laugh at me because I’d be exhausted after work and ready for sleep after supper. He likes to take a small break and watch an episode of something after supper, then he’ll go and do whatever he has planned for the evening. So, over I would go to snuggle with him, then I’d snooze and later wake up ready to work when I should be getting ready for bed. Ugh, it is such a bad habit to get into. At one point I had to set a rule that I was not allowed to even sit on the couch after supper so this wouldn’t happen anymore.
Late last year we had decided to change our lifestyle a little and get healthier and with that, I quit my after supper naps.
Over the last few months, I’ve been getting to bed at a fairly decent time and getting up earlier as well. I am appreciating this new habit very much, especially when I am at my oasis.
Our bedroom here is a loft-style room and has a window at each end. One of the windows faces the direction of the water. We are about a block and a half from the lake, so when the wind is just right, you can hear the waves crashing onto the shore.
The other thing you get to hear is tons of singing birds. I love the sound of the birds in the morning. I have set that to be my alarm clock in the winter because that sound makes me so happy. This morning, I discovered, they start singing quite early in the morning, but that is okay because it is such a beautiful sound to hear.
Eric was out of bed before me this morning, as he usually is, and was sitting on the deck. He texted to tell me it was beautiful out and that I should join him… and to say he made coffee. When I got outside, he was right. It is a beautiful morning. I can smell fresh cut grass, I can hear the water on the lake, the birds singing and the sun is peeking through the clouds. I think I am gaining a better appreciation for mornings. This is where I’m meant to be. This is my oasis. I am Millixi, and this is me.
I am so happy for you. Thanks for sharing your story with us.
I also wanted to say this healthy living has done wonders for you and the family. It is amazing how great all of you look. Keep up the good work. It is paying off.
Thank you. We have really discovered that living a healthy and active lifestyle is far more enjoyable. 🙂